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Use databases to find reliable, scholarly information. 

California State Library Databases for K-12 Students and Teachers:

All Soquel High students and faculty have access to the following databases, both on- and off-campus. (Usernames and passwords are not required if you are signed in to your sccs-stu account. Click here for off-campus instructions.)

ProQuest provides access to 7 different databases (listed below) that can be used for research. You can search all of the databases at once using the link to the left, or you can choose from the following individual databases:


CultureGrams - geographical information on countries, U.S. states, and provinces around the world.

SIRS Issues Researcher - provides pro and con perspectives on today's major issues.


SIRS Discoverer, eLibrary, and ProQuest Central Student - good research databases for high school students, with access to newspapers, magazines, academic journals etc.


eBook Central - access ebooks on a wide variety of topics, from history to health.

ProQuest Research Companion - resources to help students get started with research.

Comprehensive online encyclopedia with resources for high school and younger students.


Also includes access to Escolar Online for resources in Spanish.

Resources about children's and young adult books, including ideas for teaching.

Environmental science research database for students to access articles on energy, land and water use, legislation etc.

Interactive 3D models to support student learning in earth sciences, human anatomy, chemistry etc.

Access electronic reference books on biographies, American history, World War II, medicine and drugs, countries and cultures of the world, and religion. Use the following password to sign in: knights

Santa Cruz Public Library Databases

The Santa Cruz Public Library provides access to many excellent databases on their Research page. If you have a public library card, you may use them anytime. If you do not have a public library card, you may access them in the Soquel High Library. Please visit us and we will show you how to log in. Click on the button below to be taken to the Santa Cruz Public Library's database page.

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